Welcome to Term 3

Welcome to Term 3
Our Inquiry Topic for Term 3 is: "Are people the same where ever you live in the world?" We are going to be looking at different cultures and values. We will have a Cultural Day on the 17th September where you are welcome to come and see the work we have been doing.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

What's happening in Room 8 this term.

Here is what is happening in Room 8 this term.

Our reading focus continues to be on students learning explicit comprehension strategies to enable them to make predictions, generate questions, visualise and make inferences to develop their understanding of what they are reading.

We are looking at exposition (argument) writing.

Our strand focus for this term is geometry and our focus for numeracy is multiplication and division.

Inquiry Learning
We will begin looking at 'Water' next week and our Waterline programme will commence in Week 3.

We will continue with our weekly chunk(s).Our chunks for this week are 'oi' and 'oy'.

Parent Interviews
Parent Interviews are next Thursday 29th April. School will close at 12.30pm on this day. Children are encouraged to attend their interview with their parents.

Library Day
Our library day is Monday.

Jump Jam
We will commence Jump Jam tomorrow.

Kiwi Can
Kiwi Can is on Thursday.

Taha Maori
Taha Maori is on Thursday.

School Cross Country
This will be held on Wednesday of Week 6.

Life Education
Life Education returns to Brookfield School in Week 7.

Keep tuned for more updates!

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