Welcome to Term 3

Welcome to Term 3
Our Inquiry Topic for Term 3 is: "Are people the same where ever you live in the world?" We are going to be looking at different cultures and values. We will have a Cultural Day on the 17th September where you are welcome to come and see the work we have been doing.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Maths Problem

Joshua R has been doing some good thinking about our Maths problem, so has Ezra, Joshua W and Koben. Think about what you are doing to solve the problem? Does the cost of your 2 burgers and fries add up to $6 when you have finished?
In Writing this morning we have been looking at what an advertisement is and the language of advertising. We are going to be linking the language of advertising into our expositional writing unit.
What a great day we are having in Room 8!


  1. i think the answer is $2.25 .. Ezra Morrison

  2. I think ezra popped 6 balloons - James moran
