Welcome to Term 3

Welcome to Term 3
Our Inquiry Topic for Term 3 is: "Are people the same where ever you live in the world?" We are going to be looking at different cultures and values. We will have a Cultural Day on the 17th September where you are welcome to come and see the work we have been doing.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cross Country

If it is looking like rain tomorrow morning Cross Country will be postponed again until Thursday.

Tonight all Room 8 children are bringing home their current Reading Goal. Please encourage your child to talk to you about this. Your child's goal is something they need to do to specifically enhance their decoding skills and/or reading comprehension.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck for the cross country tomorrow Room 8. I hope the weather stays fine so that the event can finally go ahead. I wonder how many Room 8 people will get into the school team?
